Professional Improvement Leave (PIL)
Members of the bargaining unit who have been contracted by the College as full-time faculty members for a minimum of seven (7) academic years of teaching service are eligible to apply for a professional improvement leave. For the purposes of this policy, “academic years of teaching service” shall mean any nine-month period during which a full-time faculty member is under contract with the College.
Your annual effective pay increase is composed of two parts. Part one is the annual contractual salary percentage increase for each year. Part two is your movement up the salary step table. The combination of these two components comprises your effective pay increase from year to year. An easy way to compute the effective percentage pay increase from one year to the next is to subtract your previous step level salary from your current step level salary and divide that pay increase by the previous step level salary.
Your first seven (7) ESUs for Summer teaching are paid at a pro-rata rate. Your pro-rata rate is computed by dividing your annual contractual salary by thirty (30) ESUs (your required AY contractual ESUs). For example, if your AY contract stated that you were at step 10, column C for AY2021-22 your annual salary would be $74,521. Your Summer pro-rata would be $2,484.03 ($74,521/30) for the first seven ESUs. Any additional ESUs would be paid at the current adjunct part-time rate.
Customarily, the eligible faculty member will submit a portfolio that summarizes their service for the past five years. The college looks at demonstrated teaching ability, creative achievement, academic integrity and professional service to the College. Every year the CCC-AAUP hosts a workshop at each campus and discusses tenure at length with those in the track. Examples of recent tenure portfolios are usually brought for reference.
If an eligible faculty member does not receive tenure after applying, then the college provides a written statement which includes the reason for the rejection in tenure. An appeal can be made to the decision with the help of the CCC-AAUP. Some decisions in the past have been reversed after appeal. The College President and one or two CCC Trustees serve on the appeal panel. If an appeal is denied, the faculty member will receive in most cases a one-year terminal contract.
Tenure-track instructional faculty, counselors, and librarians are eligible for tenure. All tenure-track faculty shall become eligible for tenure after five (5) years of service to the College during which they have served over 50% of their annual contractual time in a teaching capacity. Teaching capacity is defined by the College as: classroom instruction, college librarian or counseling. For example, if one was hired and started at the beginning of Fall 2005, they would submit the materials necessary to apply for tenure at the end of Fall 2009. If the applicant meets the criteria of demonstrated teaching ability, creative achievement, academic integrity and professional service to the College and to the community, then the award of tenure is granted with their next faculty contract Fall 2010.